Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

D.I.W.A.L.I: Dear Idiots, Wish All Lots of Intelligence !!

Yes, that’s right. This is what I wished this diwali. Had I gone crazy? Well, definitely a loud, ‘Yes’ is what I can hear. Yes I was saddened how things had turned up in office but that was not just it. Loads of sms and emails wishing all a happy and ‘SAFE’ diwali. What ‘SAFE’ ? The only safety this diwali was in getting buried 10 feet under !! Thank God you didn’t give us the idea to invent a diwali rocket which drills down to earth and blasts !!

Men are crazy little devils and girls are sweet angels !! I am yet to find a guy ( I don’t think this was guy. I can bet my life on this, but then I think of Romeo, Majnu and their 1 gram brains) who incepted this idea into the world. As kids boys like fast cars making noise and girls like quite Barbie dolls. As they grow up, boys like speed, sound and action, girls like peace, calm and serenity. Hmm.. this idiotic generalization is slowly becoming so very untrue. I can see girls riding fast cars, bikes and speaking awesome vocabulary in roadies. However, lets assume that this is true. Now, imagine if this is reversed. What if girls start liking cars and boys start liking Barbie dolls? The car would be found in the bath tub. You know she actually didn’t mean to do that, she was just trying to clean the car. Dumbness associated with madness is the most dangerous thing in this world. I realized this last Saturday night. Could have been easily my last !!

I don’t blast crackers anymore. May be I have lost interest or maybe I don’t like the smell, but I don’t buy them anymore. The noise and the sound pollution it causes is beyond the imagination. The ill effects, don’t talk about it. I am still suffering. On the Saturday night, the street was filled with ankle deep waste papers left over by those crackers. I could not see a thing in front of me. It was covered with smoke. The entire street. I had to go out to get something to eat. I am looking at the street for any bombs being just lit to blast. I dodged few. I had to concentrate very hard on the road. Suddenly I hear this hissing sound and I knew, I am done. Somebody has lit a cracker and its right behind me and this is it, defining moment of my life. Surprisingly the hissing sound came from top, the cracker is falling down, it crossed my eye sight, reached the ground, bounced once. All this is being played in slow motion. I don’t know what’s with human mind. In a life threatening situation when you know that this is it, there is no where you can go, nowhere to hide and nothing to do but watch, things just freeze and then there is a slow motion of events and then there is flash back of your entire life. All this in just seconds. Ask someone who was saved just seconds before drowning. So the cracker hits the road, bounces once, the hissing increases, its just about to explode, bounces twice right at my feet and fusssssssssssssssssss….. A big relief to me. I am looking at the cracker and can’t believe my eyes that it didn’t blast. I don’t know whom to thank, but right now I am in no mood to thank. I am in a mood to blast the person who sent this cracker flying over my head. So I look up to the terrace of the 2 storey building and am shocked at what I see. 3 beautiful girls with a candle in handle, giggling away in glory as if they have accomplished a successful bomb drop mission, ready to drop another one !! What should I say? Should I say, “Chooow Chweet, hooow innocent.” Or should I use my Bangalore vocabulary? Anyway I was too shocked to even move out of that place. I was not shocked at their beauty, I was shocked at their dumbness. Just then a old man, who was observing this across the shop shouts at the top of his voice and the girls just look at each other as if they are surprised. I felt like flying to the terrace like a bat man and drop them from there like a jocker. So the girls shouted back at that old man and ran away. Probably to pour oil on the burning man I guess !! :P

Thanks to the pollution and the weather, almost everyone I meet in Bangalore is sick with cold or fever since two days and obviously I haven’t escaped this either. I am suffering from fever and cold since 2 days and cant sleep at night because the crackers are being burst even after 10 pm till midnight. I felt like sticking a rocket to the persons rear, firing it up and saying, “The party is over my friend. Come back next diwali. I hope you enjoy your solo flight !!”. Folks, its over, stop bursting crackers, please be sensitive, if not for animals at least to your neighbors. Someday you will have a kid in house who will scream at every cracker you burst at night. Imagine how much pain small kids go through due to this sudden sound and air pollution. Many kids lost their eyesight. I don’t blame the kids. I blame their parents. A 10th standard kid committed suicide because his parent refused to allow him to play with crackers. What’s up with the kids nowadays?

We see the following things rise in our environment during diwali, cadmium, lead, copper, manganese, zinc, sodium, magnesium, potassium, nitrates, sulphur, phosphates, carbon monoxide. You name it and you have it. Is this what you would like to give to innocent kids?

Your choice.

“Give them sweets or kill them by feeding these metals”

“True, it’s the festival of lights, please spare the light of your life”

“Celebrate darkness to light not light to darkness.”

Check out eco friendly cracker.

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Story, Ur Story, Our Story: A tale of Tree, Creeper and a Bird !!

Far away in the jungle there lived a beautiful green creeper,
Covered the bark and branch of an old tree like armor
Creeper had beautiful bright fruits on it
A hungry tired bird rested on the branch for a bit

The bird from mystery land eats the fruit
Takes the seed in its beak and flies away on a pursuit
It sits on a small charming plant to rest
The seed is heavy, so drops it and flies to the west

After many years, the old bird comes across a beautiful tree
Decides to sit on the branch strong and dandy
“I haven’t seen anything beautiful than this” the bird claimed
“oh sweet bird, did you forget us?” The tree blamed

“Long ago you had rested on my tiny shoulders,
In return you had gifted me this seed, and now we are lovers”
The beauty you see around me is from this wonderful creeper
She is my life and our bounding has grown deeper and deeper

We have been through many tough weather and seasons
We have grown together even though we argue on many reasons
She makes me look special and I provide her the support
We are best friend, thanks for the seed, which you did once transport !!

Listening to this the bird replies,
“Oh my child, I am a messenger in disguise
He had sealed your fate long ago
I just carry out the His orders, now you know !!

Let no rain, sun, wind separate you both
Let love, peace, sanity help your growth”
The bird plucked one fruit from the tree and said,
“Marriages are made in heaven, but here on earth you wed”

Note: To all who have found there creeper and tree. To all who are waiting for the bird. To all who have grown beautifully complementing each other and set an example !!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


The rain drops falls on the green leaf. The leaf bends as the rain drop slides over it. The drop reaches the tip of the leaf. The sun shine reflects from the drop. The rain drop looks like a droplet of glittering gold. The leaf cannot bear it anymore. The drop slips down on the still water, bounces and then falls again creating many ripples. The dead yellow leaf floating on the still water now dances along with the ripple. The water becomes still again, the yellow leaf tired after dancing is floating. The leaf is about to recover, just then another drop of rain falls on the leaf. The show continues…..

A child playing with water. The stream of water fascinates him. He creates a paper boat with love. Set it on sail along the stream of water. The boat dances down the stream. The boy follows with the wide smile and jumping with joy, clapping hands. The boat collides with the rock and turns upside down. The smile fades. Just then, the frog lying lazily on the rock jump near the boat. The boat turns back and starts dancing down again. The smile returns. Mom calls the boy inside home. The boy runs away. The boat reaches pool, it tired and wet, dives to the bottom. The frog is back on the rock.

The clothes are hanging and swinging to the music of the wind. A woman runs to catch them before it rains again. One of the mischievous clothes jumps and fly’s away. The woman follows it. The clothe hides on the top of the bush. The woman reaches out to catch it. Just then the wind blows and the clothe escapes flying high. The frown on the face, she looks down. The clothe swings in the wind teasing the woman. The wind stops, the clothe floats down swinging from one end to another and falls on the feat of the woman. The smile returns.

A small girl with her yellow raincoat and pink umbrella swirls it splashing the water. She jumps on the puddle of water. The water escapes from the puddle and falls on the neighboring puddle. She giggles. The girl follows and jumps on the other puddle. The water escapes again. They play this catch me if you can until she reaches home. A woman talks to her and the girl is looking down at her shoes. The smile is gone. The woman returns inside house. The girl jumps on the nearby puddle, and both the water and girl giggle to glory.

White smoke is gushing out of the chimney from far. It reaches out meet the rainbow. The bird is curious fly’s towards it to watch it. Somewhere in the fields a peacock spreads her beautiful feather and makes a jig to compete with the rainbow. A flash of light and thunder. The dog runs to take shelter. He looks at me and wags his tail, curious to know why I was spreading my arms and enjoying the rain drops on my face and palm. The rain drops pierces through my face and my soul. I am neither in future nor in past. This is a magical moment, wherein the heaven comes to meet me. This is one of THE moments of my life time!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

U R Not Cinderella / Charming Prince…. !!

You are not Cinderella or charming prince on white horse,
just simple human being, not a brand to endorse.

Gold, Armani suites, bungalows, BMW’s is just a dream
The meaning of life is deeper, these are just the cream.
Outer Beauty is not a virtue, to be admired, it will fade out
Kindness, Compassion, Intelligence and humility, it’s all about.

You are not Cinderella or charming prince on white horse,
just simple human being, not a brand to endorse.

Fame, Wealth and Power will bring happiness for a while
Family, relationship, people will accompany you on a long mile.
Did you forget the days when meeting friends and relatives brought joy
Now responsibility, commitment and patience, why does it annoy?

You are not Cinderella or charming prince on white horse,
just simple human being, not a brand to endorse.

Those days, smell of wet soil brought smile
Today it’s the scent of money, is it worthwhile?
Those days, we cried and wept at broken toy
Today we weep at broken heart, family and home, oh boy !!

You are not Cinderella or charming prince on white horse,
just simple human being, not a brand to endorse.

Life is as complicated or simple as we try to make it
Think with a child like innocent mind and fix it.
Life is surely a costly gift but not delivered to you on a silver plate
How many time you get up, dust off and move on will seal your fate.

You are not Cinderella or charming prince on white horse,
just simple human being, not a brand to endorse.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dawn to Dusk is the story of my life

‘Me, I, We to They’ is a long strife

Hey it’s ‘Me’. The center of everyone’s world

Just arrived, with my fingers all curled

Never felt so fearless and bold

‘My little sweet pie” she told

Sucking thumb was so much fun

They fooled me with pacifier, but hey thanks’ a ton!!

Dawn to Dusk is the story of my life

‘Me, I, We to They’ is a long strife

I am the world’s greatest man

Nothing is impossible, always thought ‘I can’

Everything starts and ends with me,

For all the locks in this world, I am the only key

Dawn to Dusk is the story of my life

‘Me, I, We to They’ is a long strife

‘We’ is such a fantastic thing

I felt like having a pair of wing

There is something in life and love

Even my little jimmy agrees, ‘bow-wow’

Dawn to Dusk is the story of my life

‘Me, I, We to They’ is a long strife

‘They’ have been so good to me

In this world, they gave me everything without a fee

Who am ‘I’? It’s all about ‘them’,

I am just a dying leaf, they are the stem.

Dawn to Dusk is the story of my life

‘Me, I, We to They’ is a long strife

Monday, July 19, 2010

reb-RA-ding Rs. 007/-

Well, I know i know. Its been long loooong looooooooooooooooong time. And I have not been here, nor read any of your blogs, since long loooong looooooong time. So throw the rotten tomatos or eggs at my blog, I will take it(well, its your monitor anyway).

So, I have many things to write and share but I think I will just take it slow instead of finishing it in one post and confusing the s*** out of you and me !!

“What on earth is that title? Are you mad?” - That’s one of my friend here giving me a wierd look.

“It is creativity my friend.”

“You are right. I dont understand and I am sure none of the people outside mental hospital will understand either”

”What? Whatever”

So, have you got to watch, listen and talk about the new Rs symbol? I am sure you would have ( sun sunkey kaan paak gaye, uh? )

I like this symbol. Well i didnt know the meaning, but somehow I felt it kewl !! U know what I mean. So, since I find it kewl, I know I cant just sit quitely without doing something about it. So, I did this. I know I am the biggest brand(poda poruki, barri oolu). Let me finish. I know I am the biggest brand untill I step out of the house door, I decided to use the symbol this way and share it with my friends. Now, whoever has got ’R' (Raj is even better :P) in their name, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, spread the kewl symbol !!

Get set GO>>>Download font and use it

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My life is a never ending dream

The one that makes you beam

There is peace, calm and never ending ocean

Away from all the day’s commotion

Some don’t want you to dream

They disturb you with a scream

They are like an alarm clock.

Make sure you hit the snooze and always block.

My view is a jumbled up symbols and punctuations

Stars, questions and exclamations

Philosophy, Science if not miracles

Listening to the mind, my sweet heart giggles.

They will think you are crazy

Dull, brooding and lazy

But hey, isn’t questioning and reasoning, man’s greatest tool?

How did you think we invented wheels and discovered fire, you fool?

My mind is a mixture of past, present and future

I could never get a better teacher.

My heart powers my mind, pumps in the fuel

Keep it pure: will help your mind to overcome and endure

Some say nothing else matters

Be in present and imagine pleasant pictures

But hey, careful: Past provides experience and wisdom

Future provides hope and Present is all about freedom:

Oh “MY …….”

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” - ROCKY

Saturday, March 20, 2010

He is the guy who TRIED !!

He is not the guy who cried.
Look at the guy, who tried.

Angry faces, shouting loud
Changing plans, nothing to be proud
The time bomb, on his back
Inside a heavy sack

He is not the guy who cried.
Look at the guy, who tried.

Pointing fingers, no one to care
Make a mistake, you dare
Slave of the rude master
Death was never so faster

He is not the guy who cried.
He is the guy, who tried.

They set him on fire
Called him worthless to admire
Beat him down to the floor
Pushed him out of the door

But hey,

He is not the guy who cried.
He is the guy, who tried.

The end is so near
Crowd gathered around in fear
One question on everyone’s mind
How could this guy be defined?

He said,” I am not the guy who cried”
Look at me; I am the guy who tried!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Meme ~ Untitled – Why should all poems be titled?? This poem does not conform to usual standards…!!

Why should all poems have title,
To answer this I might need Ranbaxy’s Revital.
I don’t like these youyou and meme,
Oops, did I say that? Plz, don’t kick me!! Mummyyyyy…. L

Aamir says chetan wants publicity
What does Aamir need? Matrix’s Trinity?
Aamir says, Shahrukh is my dogs name
Yeah sometimes shahrukh gets to pi** on him. Shame shame!!

Today it was no more cold in the morning,
Is winter(namesake) over in Chennai ? I am mourning.
My friend says, Chennai has 3 seasons,
Hot, Hotter and Hottest!! Any reasons?

Today at bus stand a foreigner asked a guy,
Which bus goes to airport, boy?
The guy thought for a while, ‘damn,
In India, only airplanes land at airport, ma’am’

Hmm, why should all poems have title?
Sounds like, why didn’t Newton just eat the fallen apple?
But, what was he doing under apple tree?
If it was orange (his favorite), would he still think of gravity?

The appraisal results are yet to be out,
I know many are in really big doubt.
Place your palm on your heart and say,
Aahll izzzz Well…. It’s a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Someday I will Just FLY !!!!

Someday I will fly high,
Don’t ask me why, I can’t lie!!

You act like you own me,
Eveready to loan me.
I am neither your favorite toy,
Nor the next door cute boy.

Someday I will fly high,
Don’t ask me why, I can’t lie!!

You are not my teacher,
You sound more like a preacher.
I know standing on my way fascinates you,
But hey, Raj with an ‘a’, Raja is king, got any clue?

Someday I will fly high,
Don’t ask me why, I can’t lie!!

I am neither the apple of your eye,
Nor a cute little sweet pie,
You ask me to be doctor, engineer and what not,
But please, allow me to be me, thanks a lot!!

Someday I will fly high,
Don’t ask me why, I can’t lie!!

One day I wake up and realize,
I am just one face of the dice.
You roll me and toss me on the board of life,
To fall face up or face down is my lifelong strife.

Someday I will fly high,
Don’t ask me why, I can’t lie!!