Friday, October 22, 2010

My Story, Ur Story, Our Story: A tale of Tree, Creeper and a Bird !!

Far away in the jungle there lived a beautiful green creeper,
Covered the bark and branch of an old tree like armor
Creeper had beautiful bright fruits on it
A hungry tired bird rested on the branch for a bit

The bird from mystery land eats the fruit
Takes the seed in its beak and flies away on a pursuit
It sits on a small charming plant to rest
The seed is heavy, so drops it and flies to the west

After many years, the old bird comes across a beautiful tree
Decides to sit on the branch strong and dandy
“I haven’t seen anything beautiful than this” the bird claimed
“oh sweet bird, did you forget us?” The tree blamed

“Long ago you had rested on my tiny shoulders,
In return you had gifted me this seed, and now we are lovers”
The beauty you see around me is from this wonderful creeper
She is my life and our bounding has grown deeper and deeper

We have been through many tough weather and seasons
We have grown together even though we argue on many reasons
She makes me look special and I provide her the support
We are best friend, thanks for the seed, which you did once transport !!

Listening to this the bird replies,
“Oh my child, I am a messenger in disguise
He had sealed your fate long ago
I just carry out the His orders, now you know !!

Let no rain, sun, wind separate you both
Let love, peace, sanity help your growth”
The bird plucked one fruit from the tree and said,
“Marriages are made in heaven, but here on earth you wed”

Note: To all who have found there creeper and tree. To all who are waiting for the bird. To all who have grown beautifully complementing each other and set an example !!

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