Friday, December 7, 2012

Sachin – Is he really God ?

Should Sachin retire or not? Well, I am not going to answer that now. However, If I am politically right. The question should be answered by the BCCI and its members, that includes Indian cricket team Captain as well.  Let’s list some facts related to Sachin. No, not his cricketing scores.

1.       Sachin is worshipped (if that means follow without questions) around the world.
2.       Sachin is in the minds of people in every cricketing nations . He is also in the minds of people who would want him to retire.

So, that makes him a very high value sportsman to have in a team. High value? Yes. Sponsors don’t spend the money on a team just because they love the team and country. It is business. A team that has a high value asset will be sponsored very well. You think I am wrong? Tell me , oh all the Sachin worshippers and non-worshippers… how many times have you kept everything aside just to watch Sachin bat? Do you see the commercials being played when Sachin bats? They are pretty high value commercial and famous too. How much do you think the BCCI earns from all this ? Well, that shows the BCCI’s reluctance to not follow a plan for transitioning senior players to younger players. An Indian captain can only work with what he has been given. He has very little say when it comes to choosing the  senior players. Imagine what could possibly happen to the moral of that captain ?

One of the Sachin ‘worshiper’ told me that people who don’t know anything or know very little about cricket should not comment on Sachins retirement. Well my friend, your theory is something like, ‘People who don’t know or know very little about science should not discuss Einstein or gravity.’ You discuss, debate and ponder over an issue in everyday life. Did you need practical experience to debate? I don’t think so. You say what you think. You express your point of you. People can take it or leave it. No one has to the right to stop anyone from expressing their point of you. You don’t need to be an architect or understand engineering to admire or criticize  a monument. May be watching monuments around the world is just a hobby. Just like watching cricket.

I think  majority of Sachin followers belong to 2 groups. One group idolizes Sachin to an extent that they think he is God. They don’t want anyone to question their faith or their God. For them, God can do whatever he wants to do, because that’s what God do. Otherwise, he would be human, isn’t it? Right, ok. The other group respects Sachin. They love to watch Sachin bat. They respect him as a person on and off the field. They respect him for being a greatest sportsman in cricketing history. Like I said, they respect him as a “person”.

When you treat a sportsman as a person,  you stop thinking of an individual and start thinking of a team. A winning team. You start admiring a person for his contribution to the team ‘at that moment’ and not in his past. If a player thinks that he can rely on his past glory and blind followers then he will not go for long. He will be dropped. To be dropped after contributing so much for so many years, is surely painful and the second group of Sachins admirers understand that. That is why they want him to gracefully retire. They don’t hate Sachin. They respect him and they would want that respect to remain for ever. For the first category of admirers, all that I can say is that, by making him God you have only set his standards so high that he is not able to maintain it. If you want someone to remain as God in your heart, don’t allow him to fail and push him to despair by setting high hopes. Faith is in the heart of the Beholder.

Sachin once mentioned that, he made a choice and put in hard work to become a cricket player and it is only he who has the right to say if it is time to retire. That doesn’t sound like God at all. Cricket is not an individual player game like tennis. You are just a link in the chain. A weak link does not make a strong chain. It’s the BCCI who makes a decision based on what is good for cricket. Perhaps at this moment they are concentrating on the financial repercussion of dropping someone of his stature. It’s a typical mentality isn’t it? “’Jithna din chalega, chalne do. Bhad mey jaaye honestly aur commitment”. For them Sachin is a trump card, until everyone stops talking about him and the media stops writing about him. And then when a player fades away… that’s the time to drop. Imagine the players state of mind when he is dropped that way. I am sure one would feel used. Isnt it then better to sign off at peak ?? Well, only time…may have an idea. i.e only if ‘Time’ as a variable does exist :P

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy B'Day Smiley !! :P

Everything feels so less
Where is happiness?

I thought it was in playing in mud,
But soon the mud looked dirty and it was a dud.

Everything feels so less
Where is happiness?

I thought it was in the video game
But soon it was boring and lame.

Everything feels so less
Where is happiness?

I thought it was in my first bike
But soon it looked old and I didn’t like,

Everything feels so less
Where is happiness?

I thought it was in having enough money,
But soon that was not enough and wanted more n more penny

Everything feels so less
Where is happiness?

...Today when I look back I realize

Happiness was never mine
Happiness was always in others smile.

The smile on my mom’s face when she looked at me painted in mud.
The smile on my friends face when we played the game together
The smile on my college crushes when I pulled off stunts on my bike
The smile on that poor kids face who I helped when I had enough money.

My love,
Thank you for making me HAPPY, with your ever loving SMILE!! :)     

Friday, May 18, 2012

Neenu hathira Edharey .....

Click to Read..Pardon my gramsermwerMer... :P

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Your life is too fast. You got to slow down brother !!

Wow . Hold on ‘brother’. First of all, what did you say? Yeah, you get to hear those saintly philosophical words time to time, if you are successful and you ask someone for help !! As a kid I liked to travel a lot in bus. Yeah the typical super express NH-17 bus to hell, direct ticket !! :P So when I got into bus, I usually try to sit in the last row of seats near to the door, just next to the conductor or cleaner( I don’t know who coined this profession). So that was my favorite seat. Cool breese blowing to your face, lot of people to watch, getting into and out of bus. But my most favorite moment is to watch the tar road pass by very fast as the bus moved. So I used to wonder how fast the bus was, but in reality the bus was not that fast. Then after sometime I used to feel nausea and terrible so I would immediately shift my eyesight towards a faraway view. Which almost never moved. Then when I felt better, I would again watch to the road below footboard move terribly fast.

I am sure most of you have experienced this phenomenon as a kid or adult. I feel there is a learning in this to take away. When the bus is moving, and when you look at the road just below, it creates an illusion that your life is fast. The person who is outside watching the bus will also see that the bus is moving fast. However, you and only you know when to stop looking the road below, and not the person outside the bus. Secondly, when you feel like your life is moving uncontrollably very fast, just focus on the long term goals because when you focus on short term goals too much, the time limit is so less that you get an illusion of moving fast. So just like we look at a far view from a bus to get back to normal condition, concentrate on the long term goals. The more far the long term goal is the better because from the bus when you look at the sun or star or moon, it feels like we are not moving at all !!

Just an analogy to share with you. My favorite line, “I am neither RIGHT  nor WRONG, because my thoughts are CENTERed, around the people I observe and the incidents I experience. So believe it or let it be !!” :P

Remember when you see the moon, sun or star from the bus and you feel dizzy. Its time to get down of the bus and walk for some time !! J

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Even GOD Knows Politics !! :P

"Nobody can ask God to retire, because in Politics no one retires !! " Good reason for S to join politics !! At least no body can ask him to retire anymore !! He has made his words come true for himself,

Anyway jokes apart, Sachin, good that you joined politics. I mean, you need to be a politician to join BCCI or ICCI right? :P I know it is dadas aim too. Well i hope you both don't fight for this post in future. Otherwise, God of offside will be thrown off from the peoples mind and God of rest of the people will get vacated from their heart permanently.

I think this move of S will be a good image makeover for the politicians. Such is a sad state of Indian politics that even if a good person tries to do something, he gets pulled down. S didnt do well as an Indian captain, I hope he does well as the Captain of his constituency and then nobody will ask him to retire !! Right guys?? :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I thought I was....

I thought I was the smartest kid in the school
100s of beautiful girls who thought I was a fool.
But, I believed what my eyes had SEEN was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

I thought I was the most handsome hunk in the college
1000s of girls looking more beautiful at this age
I believed what I FELT in my heart was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

I thought I was the most eligible bachelor
1000000llions of girls looking more and more spectacular
I believed what I THOUGHT in my mind was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

Well now,

I think I am the greatest husband
Since the moment I took your hand.
You taught me love is Caring, Sharing and Supporting
Everything else is INFATUATION or nothing.

I promise to keep this definition of love intact
In my mind, body and soul in fact

Thank you, is a smallest phrase I can Say
I would like to wish us a very happy 1st wedding anniversary Day !! :P

Thursday, April 12, 2012

No one can ask me to retire, because to play cricket and play for India was my decision – Sachin Tendulkar !!

No one can ask me to retire, because to play cricket and play for India was my decision – Sachin Tendulkar !!
Hmm…. Sachin Tendulkar. One of the biggest cricketing legend, great human and a proud Indian. I once loved him play. I don’t enjoy watching him now as much as I used to watch him few years ago. May be I loved his cricket more than the man he is. Cricket gives you happiness. It makes you proud to be Indian if you love the game. It’s the same with any sport for that matter. So I watch cricket because it makes me happy. When my country gets defeated I get defeated. Therefore I will want my country or team to win. To win we need a team better than any other team. Team is made of people. So we need people who are at the best. Forget the past. It is present and the future that matters to me.

So I was wondering. When I reach 60 and when I am not as smart as the newly recruited young blood in the company, would I tell my company, “Nobody can tell me to retire. Nobody helped me to study. I worked hard to get recruited to this company. So nobody has the right to ask me to retire.” Well I could have told this if I own the company. But I don’t own the company. I am just the part of my team.  So in my 60s can I think like this? “In the past, in my younger days, I have worked really hard in this company and I was called the master in what I did. I set very high standards. I was smart, I brought more business. Now things have changed. The way people do business has changed. I am old now, I am more experienced than these young guys but I don’t have the energy to run behind clients, daily escalations. I still have the same passion but I feel I am letting my team down. I better at least let my employers know when I will retire and take it easy, so that they can recruit a young guy like me who is waiting for his chance to have a go at this world.”

This is my point of view. I am not saying that Sachin should retire. Well I don’t have the rights to say that. However, I have the right to say that my team should not be defeated badly consistently. All the steps should be taken to make sure this doesn’t happen. Nobody is bigger than the team.

Sachin is the greatest player and he is the greatest batsman but the decision to retire is not only his. It should be a collective decision. There are so many young players for whom Sachin is nothing less than God. But they shouldn’t be waiting on the bench for their God to give them a chance to be God.  I am no one to say that Sachin should retire, but the decision is not entirely his. If it is so, then the selectors are just dummies who want to make money with Sachin as brand for Indian cricket. The decision should be mutual and graceful.
Just passion for a thing is not enough. One should every day evaluate if someone can do the job better than them. If the answer is yes, it’s time to pass on the baton. There is no point in holding on to that baton and walk. The young guy on the last lap will die waiting for you to reach him. Your team will be second or third but never first. The passion to run was there but was constrained by physical ability. Even if you are 2nd or 3rd, you will still feel defeated, because you have set so high standard for yourself that people can only accept you as no 1, every time, each time you run. So run that last race, run with all your might, feel peoples love for you, see the respect in their eyes, the same love they had for you when you were at your peak, run as if you are in 20, run the last race, pass on the baton and in the end when you have contributed for the teams win and seen everything in your life, just hang on the boots. Only you know when to run that last race. I like you Sachin but I like my team India more. Now don’t tell me I never played for India, how I would know. I know this for sure, because each time you had that cricket bat in your hand, million hearts prayed that you don’t get out because they wanted India to win !! Why is that today when you hold the same cricket bat I am not much worried? That’s because today Indian cricket has so many match winners who have grown around you and learnt from you. Today when my team is defeated, I don’t blame you. I blame the team, because when I blame you, people come up with facts to support that you are not the guy to be blamed. It is true, you are the best. But God will be questioned, because He is God and every time, his followers will bring the bible, kuran and so on to support that God is greatest, but I just sometimes wonder. If God is really as powerful as people say he is, then why does he need supporters or followers? May be that’s what makes him God !! Ultimately, it’s up to the people who support you. I hope you get good things to hear from everyone when you decide to change your role in Indian cricket and take up bigger, different responsibilities!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I have a problem with 'INVENTION'

I have a problem with 'Invention' !!

I don’t like the word invention simply because according to my theory nothing can be invented and therefore nothing in this world can be owned. Everything that we do is a discovery!! No matter how big or sophisticated it is. Everything is a projection of the human senses controlled by mind.

Dictionary view for invent is : to design or create something such as a machine or process that did not exist before or to develop a new theory, style, or method that did not exist before. In other words you cannot invent anything that already exists before. Fine. Then did our ancestors really know about fire before it was discovered? Then can we call fire to be an invention?

This is my theory. Nothings that we do or create is our idea. We are not born with an idea to create a television or an extra ordinary time machine. On our journey in this world, we see, touch and feel a lot of things which is processed by our mind. Since each person’s mind is different, the interpretations could be many. There are many factors which affect the though process of a mind. They are all external, they are already present. So in other words, can we infer that discoveries lead to discoveries and not an invention?

Lets look at this story. A young man was wondering through a jungle and he finds a caterpillar. He noticed the ring like thing on the body of caterpillar. He noticed how this is allowing the caterpillar to be very flexible. He came back to town with an idea. We installed ring like structure to the commercially available rubber water hoses. This allowed the pipes to be more flexible and strong. You might have come across these green water pipe with rings in between. So should we call this an invention? I mean could this young man own this? Of course he can claim that he was lucky to come across the caterpillar and his mind had lead him to think this way. What if the young man was lost in the woods and he was scared? Would his mind think about how the caterpillar was sophisticated? I don’t think so. Being at right time, right place and right frame of mind is what leads to discovery and not inventions.

The other reason why i don’t want to call anything as invention because you can patent it and own it. I hate the idea of owning discoveries (I don’t want to use the word invention any more). If someone even comes close to making something which is patented then he is pulled to court. Crazy. This leads to stagnation of an idea. An idea should grow as much as it can. It should not be kept in a high security prison called Patents. I mean patents is fine, if and only if it means that this was first discovered by so and so and nothing more. There shouldn’t be monopoly. Monopoly is against free thinking. A discovery needs free mind and patent kills it !!

I am great believer of Open source. More and more clients and companies are moving towards open source software’s because it is more flexible and economical. There is no monopoly. Its free from the prisons of patents, lawsuit and so on. That’s why it’s Free Source.

There are only discoveries in life. Some big, some small. some simple, some sophisticated. Nothing less, nothing more.