Saturday, April 21, 2012

I thought I was....

I thought I was the smartest kid in the school
100s of beautiful girls who thought I was a fool.
But, I believed what my eyes had SEEN was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

I thought I was the most handsome hunk in the college
1000s of girls looking more beautiful at this age
I believed what I FELT in my heart was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

I thought I was the most eligible bachelor
1000000llions of girls looking more and more spectacular
I believed what I THOUGHT in my mind was love.

And now? Things have changed and how?

Well now,

I think I am the greatest husband
Since the moment I took your hand.
You taught me love is Caring, Sharing and Supporting
Everything else is INFATUATION or nothing.

I promise to keep this definition of love intact
In my mind, body and soul in fact

Thank you, is a smallest phrase I can Say
I would like to wish us a very happy 1st wedding anniversary Day !! :P

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