Thursday, November 26, 2009

To BRIBE an innocents life!!

26/11 will be etched in our memory and probably in minds of many generations to come. There is something different about this when compared to all the previous attacks. This one, emphasized the fact that no one national or country is free of terrorist acts. This also, made us stand up and fight instead of boasting about our resilience.

Once resilient means show of inner strength. Twice resilient means cowardice.

We have been hurt more than once. This time, we will not forget, will not forgive, we are still waiting & watching!!

Everything said and done. Some of our own people are equally responsible for what has happened.

We as citizen on India have a greater responsibility to stop terror. One must not forget that when you accept bribe for unlawful acts, you are no less than the terrorists who kill innocents. Because, every bribe taken, aids the bigger plan of terrorists. Headly, couldn’t just come to India and do so much, just by him. There are Indians who have helped him. Some unknowingly and others were bribed.

A RTO inspector who takes bribe to provide DL for a person, who doesn’t pass the test, is in fact trading some innocent’s life on the road.

A traffic cop, who accepts the bribe to allow the drunken driver to carry on riding, is also trading an innocent’s life on road who could be absolute teetotaler.

A registrar, who accepts the bribe to register an illegal land, is allowing the land mafia to peek its ugly head.

A flat owner who accepts black money from the buyer, who doesn’t have required papers, could be allowing a terrorist or an illegal business to flourish at his place.

One was arrested at Indira Gandhi airport suspected to be a spy and several defense and sensitive documents were recovered. The nuclear installations were then put on high alert. Someone from inside was surely bribed to get the documents.

The two important arrests made recently whose footsteps retraced lead to various important installations in India. They were provided the multiple entry visas by Indian consulate in Chicago, apparently overlooking the rules stipulated by Home ministry. Could this be a mistake or sure case of bribery?

Not all break laws. A Mumbai based property dealer rejected Headly’s plea to get a house for him, for not furnishing the required documents. Arguably Headly had asked the broker to shut up and mind only the money he was providing to make this deal. However, the broker simply put his foot down. Talk about business ethics, integrity and this is an apt example.

After 26/11 there has been increased effort by Indian and the intelligence agencies of the nationalities which were affected, to share the information. Thanks to this, we probably have averted a major 26/11 this time. However, it has come to light that a lot of Indians have helped these two terrorists to move around and plan within India. Some might have unknowingly helped but many others were bribed to do one or the other unlawful favor.

Then why do people accept bribe? Perhaps, like global warming, the answer to this too lies in ones selfishness. Selfish because, we have been knowingly continuing with unwise, illegal practices because of a belief that we may never personally have to pay the consequences for the results, but that eventually someone else will.

Perhaps, it’s time to realize that all laws are not meant to be broken. Find out the reason why laws are created. Let’s follow the law, because each law broken could cost some innocents life or a broken home!!

For people who are selfish and don’t think twice before accepting bribe, God forbid, if there is another 26/11, it could cost your loved one’s life. The life, which you can’t bring back, no matter how much you bribe, because God it seems can’t be bribed. Be the GOD!!

“May the soul of innocents and heroes who lost their life, rest in peace while we stand tall and face the devils. Also, may the broken hearts and homes of those who are left alone, find peace in their fight and struggle to meet the future!!”

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