Thursday, December 10, 2009

Along the TIME

Along the time, the seasons move on!
Along the time, we move on!

Summer, the sun bakes the heart of mother earth.
Quizzes me on love, and provides no clue of its birth.
Will mother earth turn away from sun forever?
Even if I say no to it, can I run away? Oh never!!

Along the time, the seasons move on!
Along the time, we move on!

Oh big dark clouds, sweet rain drops, thunder and lightning.
This is when Children, adults and my heart learn dancing.
Mother earth shivers in rain.
The rain comes down to heal my pain

Along the time, the seasons move on!
Along the time, we move on!

Winter, freezes the earth’s soul
Foggy and misty is my mind and my goal
The spring flows down to meet the river
How I wish my love was so near

Along the time, the seasons move on!
Along the time, we move on!

Sunny or rainy, bud or dew drops
Win or Defeat, smile or tear drops
The wheel of life moves on with mankind,
Soul, supporting it from behind.

I can’t wait to meet you 2010
A new day, new love, new life, we start, all over again!!
Along the time, the seasons move on!
Along the time, we move on!

Judiciary Or Mockery !! This is also my India :(

Dec 10, 2009, Times of India, main page. “All 17 acquitted in Dinakaran case.” I could not get any more frustrated, angry and helpless. I mean sometimes for this reason, I feel like quitting reading the news paper in the morning.

May 10, 2007. My early days of blogging in Ch1blogs. The previous day I had blogged This happens in India, sharing my happiness and pride. The next day was a total opposite. I had shared my frustration and anger because of an incident. This also happens only in India. A mob supported by the local politician burned down entire news paper office killing 3 young people in broad day light. The incident captured on tv and pictures. Captured while the culprits were executing this horrendous act and yet. Yet, today’s news just broke my heart.

“All 17 acquitted in Dinakaran case”. Reason? The witnesses who had come forward initially, turned hostile. If my heart could break like this, imagine the situation of the family members who lost their probably the only bread winner. The person they loved. I know the politician might have given a token money to them, but can they return the life? Can they return the emptiness they have caused? And for what? Just a dispute between supporters of two political brothers, to show who is stronger than the other.

Imagine the condition of those police officers who filed so many charges and yet the judiciary let them down making a joke out of their job. Instead they will be blamed for negligence. The two parties who were responsible for this later patched up. But not before, they made many profitable investments in the name of power show and revenge. So, you see. They made a million bucks of 3 innocent life’s.

I am angered because our system is so pathetic that it can’t protect a witness. I mean, where did all the talks about witness protection plan go? Well, I know why? Because If you do that, then who will protect you from your own ill doings?

The need of the hour is a solid witness protection system. Until that is done; all these devils will play with our judiciary and created a mockery out of it. Really shameful!!

My heart is with the relatives of the people who lost their loved ones in this act. I can only pray that, you receive enough strength and courage to re appeal and wait not until justice delivered.

PULLING OUT THE STOPS: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam cadres led by Madurai Mayor G. Thenmozhi (marked by a circle) at the gates of the offices of Dinakaran and Sun TV in Madurai. DMK Corporation Councillor A. Manickam holds up a burning copy of Dinakaran.
SHOCKED PROTEST: Sun TV Network employees stage a road roko on the Madurai-Melur Highway with the body of a security guard who died in the violence at their office.

DEATH AT WORK: The sisters of Vinod, a computer engineer, who died in the violence, grieve.

Pics courtesy : Times of India

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 B or Not 2 B, in the present !!

Well, talk about absent mindedness and my cousin is the first one to pop in my mind. He has done everything in the realm of absentmindedness. Used move(pain relieving balm) as toothpaste, Iodex as jam, kept the books in refrigerator and milk packet in oven, blasted a cooker and almost kitchen by not keeping any water and leaving it on stove for hours. You name it and he will claim the credit. However, I think a small amount of absentmindedness has rubbed on to me as well, considering the fact that blood is thicker than water.(keep guessing what this means, because I really don’t know much.)

So, let me tell you this incident that happened few weeks ago. Every day at 7 :45 pm ( not even one minute less or more), I go to cafeteria to have my dinner. So as usual, I came out of my working area and then went straight towards the elevator, swiped my access card and waited for elevator. After 1 minute, I see that the elevator never stopped at my floor and jumped to the next floor. With so much of anger, I took my card towards the display to swipe it again. There, that’s when I realized what I was doing. I felt like digging a hole and burying my head in it like ostrich. A had a quick look left and right, thanked God that no one watched my antics and then looked at the cctv camera and gave a wide grin, just in case they had watched my show. ( I could imagine the security guys watching the footage ROFL)

Anyway, the same week, I had enacted one more show which left me hours in washroom. I drink a cup of milk( well technically it’s a cup of milk in a 3/4th cup , half filled. You know what I mean) at 12 noon from coffee day in 3rd floor. Now, I work at 5th floor. So as usual I took the staircase to 3rd floor, got the milk cup and headed straight to the elevator. Two guys with a cup of coffee in their hand and Microsoft .net theory in their mouth followed me. We all entered the lift. I leaned back on the wall at the far end of the elevator and the other two guys were busy with their .NET stuff. The elevator stops at 4th floor. Now, this is where everything goes wrong. Enters a beautiful female. She takes the position, right in front of the lift door. I looking at these two guys. Surely, the conversation has now moved over from .NET to WHATNEXT, in no time. So I am busy looking at their reaction( I promise in all my hosh that I was not looking at the girl) and forgot about the milk cup in my hand. I raise my hand to settle my hair which is now partially blocking my view. Dosshhh. The milk cup slips from my hand and my black trouser now looked much like Jeetendra’s white trousers. The girl turns back and gives me that, “what the hell were you doing? Checking me out? Boyz, huh” look and leaves me the way to get out at 5th floor. It took half an hour to clean my trouser and dry it like Mr. Bean.

Ok, these are nothing. I mean, I have done a lot of these in office. Not that I am proud of these, but you know. Things happen :D. Well the main story begins now. Last year, December, I was at my home town. The entire family of 71 odd had gathered in my grandmother’s house to take part in her 1st death anniversary. So my uncle gives me his 2 wheeler ( Hero Honda CD 100 in which the only part that runs properly is wheels), and he tells me to take my cousin to his house and get some coconuts. So I start the bike and with my cousin we head to uncles house. We reach there in no time because its just 2 kilometers away and I took the liberty to test the wheels ( as if it is a brand new racing bike in town). Anyway, so my aunty greets us and my cousin collects coconut and packs it in gunny bag. I started the bike and we zoomed off. This time I wanted to better my lap timing so I rode like devil. However, I spoke about how I missed my hometown and all that while I was riding. So I reach my grandmothers house in 2 mintues and all my relatives are gathered at the entrance of the house. For some reason some are smiling, some are laughing and some little kids are rolling on floor laughing their guts out. As I slow the bike to stop, my uncle asks in his usual booming voice.

Uncle: “Where is Kiran( my cousin) ?

Well, for a fraction of second I thought. “Can’t you see?” and I turned back. To my utter disbelief, Kiran has vanished. My heart is pounding at the rate of the silencer which is cooling down. I mean, how on earth did this happen. I know I rode like a devil. Did I drop him somewhere in the middle of the road? I looked at everyone with a faint smile and an expression which is mixed with shock, disbelief, more questions and fear. Finally, one of my cousin controls her laughter and she kindly gives me the explanation.

Cousin: Aunty called on my mobile sometime ago, just after you left the house there. She narrated the incident. This is what happened.


I started the bike. I am looking absolutely straight with the only aim to race the bike and improve the timing. Therefore, as I feel something heavy on the back seat, I ask like a hero, “Ready?”

Kiran has actually kept the coconut gunny bag on the seat and then was planning to sit. When I asked him if he was ready, this idiot thought I was asking about coconut bag and he said yes.

So when I heard the word, “Ready” I just zoomed off. It seems Kiran pulled the bag out as I zoomed off. I didn’t even realize this.

I mean, while riding back, I was wondering why Kiran was not responding to anything I was saying about me missing my hometown? I was speaking so much and he was not speaking a word. Perhaps, the current revelation explains that :D. He didn’t exist. :D. Now, including the kids laugh when they look at my face. I mean for kids, they were so much amused that such a thing can happen for real and not only in movies :D

So, that’s about absent mindedness. But you know, I always say, “badi badi desho mey, choti choti bathey hothi rehthi hey !!”

Look @ Einstein’s reaction for what i said,

Monday, November 30, 2009

2 Sleep or Not 2 Sleep ?

Ok, we all know some people tend to fall asleep when they are travelling in bus, train, ship, aero plane, bicycles. Yeah right, bicycles and bikes too. You might argue. How could someone sleep while riding a motor bike. Well, ask my friend. No one dares to take a lift from him, no matter how much he offers. The guy sleeps while riding and has recorded the maximum number of accidents. A doctor had asked him to take a car instead of riding a bike. The RTO officer rejected to give the 4 wheeler license, when our sleeping beauty dozed off while taking the driving test leaving the RTO inspector shouting for help. No, that part is not entirely true. In fact his wife said, “Well doctor, he is fine with bike. Don’t ask him to drive the car and thereby increase the casualty.” We all nodded in unison. I know it’s not normal. He has got a complicated breathing problem for which he is taking the medication and practicing the breathing exercise. Hopefully, he won’t fall asleep while doing those pull your tummy in and out form of yoga.

Anyway, climb any cognizant bus and you will hear this strange rock music with sub woofers at the back seats of the bus. Yeah, our associates are not bad at sleeping and snoring to the glory either. Most of them are girls. Most of the time, you will find them getting up from their ‘alice in dubious land’ dream and looking out of window, rub the eyes, look out again and get shocked when they know that they have missed their stop. Then there is 100 mts dash to the front of the bus shouting, “Anna stop, anna stop”. Anna doesn’t know what on earth has happened. He gives this smart smiling look with a contrasting thought, “you want me to stop at the middle of the road? Which world were you in?”. Anyway, talking about drivers. Have you watched these Sathyabama college buses? Well, not buses, hell transporters you might say. One of the students told me that, these drivers will not stop for a group of boys but if a single girl waves her hand, they will stop immediately. Oh how I wish, women take up bus driving.

Gosh, this is the second time, I am moving away from the topic. Topic? When did I start? Well, I didn’t. In fact I don’t have any agenda in this post. It looks like I am stuck with this self created,1000 thoughts image. Got to shake it off somehow. Anyway, talking about ‘Sleepwell in Shuttle’ (Is this proposition, preposition, opposition? Miss office communicator or Megz might be interested.) Well, boyz are different. I know few trainees who just hit ctrl+alt+del and doze off in front of their monitor and the team lead working next to him/her is only amused at the guys/gals guts. Now that, I have told what I didn’t intent to tell, let me tell you the real reason to start this post.

On one of our limited engineering vacations, I and my cousin decided to go to my aunts place, shimoga in Karnataka. Now, let me overload you with few facts. I had been to shimoga from Bangalore in train only once, few years ago. My cousin had not been to shimoga in train from Bangalore. So that means, I am the senior traveler. The know all guy. The last time I went, it was a direct train and was a 4 hr journey( which I am not sure ). All the stations in and around shimoga look the same and has the same architecture. Harihara is a place at least 2 hour away from shimoga, by road.( which doesn’t really exist).

Now, my cousins father, drops us at the station at 6:30, cold Bangalore morning. He gets us tickets and we happily boarded the train. We are a little saddened by the fact that, the birds were not interested in our compartments. We found few flying across towards the neighboring one. Anyway, my cousin had a book to read and I had my 1000 thoughts to think about looking outside the window. After some 3 hours the train makes a comparatively longer stop at some station.

My cousin, “how long to shimoga?”

Me : Well, it’s been only 3 hours. Probably 1 more hour.

Cousin : “Are you sure?”

Me : “well I have travelled once. Can I be wrong?”

Cousin : rolling eyes. Goes back to book.

After 1 hour, still no shimoga.

Cousin: “Perhaps we should ask someone.”

Me : “Perhaps you should ask someone.”

Cousin : Goes back to book

After 2 hrs.

Me: “I think you are right. We should ask someone.”

Cousin : “right. You should ask someone”

Me: Ok ok. I am gonna ask.

I walk to this guy gorging on groundnuts and.

Me: “How long to Shimoga?”

The nut guy : “Shimoga?”

Me: Dumbo. “Yeah!!”

The nut guy: “Where are you coming from?”

Me: “Bangalore”

For some strange reason the nut guy starts smiling, then laughing, then rolling out of laughter and before he could do anything more, my cousin comes in.

Cousin: “what the hell is happening?”

Me: “well, the guy, was eating nuts and now it looks like he has become one nut case now !!”

The nut case: “Hero. You are in the wrong train. This is going to Harihara. Will reach in another 10 min.”

Cousin: “What?”

Me: “what?”

Me (Looking at cousin) : “This guy has gone nuts. Well, your father couldn’t be wrong. Could he?”

Cousin: “Well no. it’s the right ticket and train.”

After 10 mintues.

Me: “Man, this is Harihara. But this station looks familiar man. I have seen this last time. I think we have to get down at harihara and then take a auto to shimoga. I think that’s what I did last time.”

Cousin: “Ok then, let’s get out of station”

We start walking and walk straight into the ticket checker at the gate.

TC: “ticket please”

Cousin: “here” ( proudly gives the ticket)

TC : ( looks at me and then at the ticket 4 times. I was about to say, “sir, its ticket not a id card” ) : “yavanige hutidiya ley, sulle maganey” ( well I don’t want to translate this. The people in this part of Karnataka address both their friends and enemies with the same gaalies, which if you hear, will either commit suicide or blow the head off. My cousin who doesn’t understand too much of kannada looks at me for explanation. I was about to tell him that, the show has just begun. That was the introduction)

Me : “Sir?”

TC: “You buffalos. This is ticket to shimoga and you have come to Harihara”

Me : “Sir. I am confused. How did this miracle happen?”

TC : “Ley maganey. When this train reaches the junction station in between Bangalore and Shimoga, half of the compartments are removed and attached to the train going to Harihara. The other half continues to Shimoga. You have sat on the other half and you didn’t even change the compartments in that station.

ME : “What?” (Hmm that explains why the train stopped for so long after 3 hours. This happens only in India)

TC: “Now that you are here. Technically, you have travelled from Bangalore to harihara half way, without ticket. So, pay the fine”

So, we pay the fine. Walk outside and ask this auto guy.

Me: “Sir, Shimoga?”

Auto guy : “Shimoga?” Starts smiling, laughing and before he could roll. “It takes 2 hours in bus. You think I am fool. Go take a bus” Another shower of praises followed.

We take a bus which is probably not upgraded since independence and we travel on the road which was never there. In fact it was like some stretch of land on mars with holes as big as those craters created by asteroids.

Anyway, finally, as the sun set, we reached Shimoga and aunts house only to be made fun of. They still make fun of us, every time we meet.

So, you see. You don’t have to sleep to miss the stop. You could have the right ticket, right train, eyes wide open and yet miss few things. Probably that’s what I like about India. It never stops surprising you !!

My cousin? Well, he never travelled with me again.

Me? Well, I had once booked a train ticket to my home town from Chennai and was boasting about it till the last day because nobody was getting a ticket. On the last day when I was showing the ticket to my friend boasting about it, he started to smile, then laugh, then rolling on the floor. I looked at the ticket closely only to find out that, I have booked a ticket in the train, which goes all around the south India before reaching home town after 24hours. No wonder, so many tickets were available on that train.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

To BRIBE an innocents life!!

26/11 will be etched in our memory and probably in minds of many generations to come. There is something different about this when compared to all the previous attacks. This one, emphasized the fact that no one national or country is free of terrorist acts. This also, made us stand up and fight instead of boasting about our resilience.

Once resilient means show of inner strength. Twice resilient means cowardice.

We have been hurt more than once. This time, we will not forget, will not forgive, we are still waiting & watching!!

Everything said and done. Some of our own people are equally responsible for what has happened.

We as citizen on India have a greater responsibility to stop terror. One must not forget that when you accept bribe for unlawful acts, you are no less than the terrorists who kill innocents. Because, every bribe taken, aids the bigger plan of terrorists. Headly, couldn’t just come to India and do so much, just by him. There are Indians who have helped him. Some unknowingly and others were bribed.

A RTO inspector who takes bribe to provide DL for a person, who doesn’t pass the test, is in fact trading some innocent’s life on the road.

A traffic cop, who accepts the bribe to allow the drunken driver to carry on riding, is also trading an innocent’s life on road who could be absolute teetotaler.

A registrar, who accepts the bribe to register an illegal land, is allowing the land mafia to peek its ugly head.

A flat owner who accepts black money from the buyer, who doesn’t have required papers, could be allowing a terrorist or an illegal business to flourish at his place.

One was arrested at Indira Gandhi airport suspected to be a spy and several defense and sensitive documents were recovered. The nuclear installations were then put on high alert. Someone from inside was surely bribed to get the documents.

The two important arrests made recently whose footsteps retraced lead to various important installations in India. They were provided the multiple entry visas by Indian consulate in Chicago, apparently overlooking the rules stipulated by Home ministry. Could this be a mistake or sure case of bribery?

Not all break laws. A Mumbai based property dealer rejected Headly’s plea to get a house for him, for not furnishing the required documents. Arguably Headly had asked the broker to shut up and mind only the money he was providing to make this deal. However, the broker simply put his foot down. Talk about business ethics, integrity and this is an apt example.

After 26/11 there has been increased effort by Indian and the intelligence agencies of the nationalities which were affected, to share the information. Thanks to this, we probably have averted a major 26/11 this time. However, it has come to light that a lot of Indians have helped these two terrorists to move around and plan within India. Some might have unknowingly helped but many others were bribed to do one or the other unlawful favor.

Then why do people accept bribe? Perhaps, like global warming, the answer to this too lies in ones selfishness. Selfish because, we have been knowingly continuing with unwise, illegal practices because of a belief that we may never personally have to pay the consequences for the results, but that eventually someone else will.

Perhaps, it’s time to realize that all laws are not meant to be broken. Find out the reason why laws are created. Let’s follow the law, because each law broken could cost some innocents life or a broken home!!

For people who are selfish and don’t think twice before accepting bribe, God forbid, if there is another 26/11, it could cost your loved one’s life. The life, which you can’t bring back, no matter how much you bribe, because God it seems can’t be bribed. Be the GOD!!

“May the soul of innocents and heroes who lost their life, rest in peace while we stand tall and face the devils. Also, may the broken hearts and homes of those who are left alone, find peace in their fight and struggle to meet the future!!”

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


When her little younger daughter turned 20 days old, her husband told her that she could either abandon the child or leave him. The reason being he wanted a boy.

She chose her two little kids over married life!!

She took up the odd job and tuitions to raise her daughters.

Sometimes her kids had fever, but she would give them ginger tea or make them drink water so that she could save doctors fees of Rs 40 to 50 which she would use to buy stationary for school instead.

She would undo the hem and iron it when her daughter’s school skirts became short.

She would work tirelessly and her little daughters understood that.

Her little daughter, now grown up would earn her pocket money by doing some modeling assignment which eventually led her to the Miss India Pageant.

The little daughter, now 23, who was rejected by her father and loved immensely by her mother and sister, is none other than Pooja Chopra, Pantaloons Femina Miss India World 2009.

The world salutes her mother. The woman, with determination as strong as steel and a heart of gold, Neeru Chopra !! The true MOTHER INDIA !!

At the same time, I can’t come to terms with the cruelty of few coward Martians who neither know love nor can be loved. But destiny is a strange thing. Like shahrukh in OSO, “Aur aaj, is baat ka bhi yakeen ho gaya, ki humari filmon ki tarah humari zindagi mein bhi end mein sab theek ho jaata hai.Happys Endings. Aur agar, aur agar theek na ho to woh the end nahin hai” ( I got to know this today. Like in movies, in the end, our life too ends in a good way. Happy ending. If it is not good, then it is not the end. )

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

They Called Me CRAZY !! GO CRAZYyy>>>

I patrol the New York’s party and bar scene,
Saving drunken women from men who are opportunistic and mean.
They called me crazy.
I am Terrifica.

I travelled backwards from year 2039
To save earth’s future and make it fine.
I show up at grade schools, hemp festivals with perfect synergy,Create video documentary on environmentalism and renewable energy
They called me crazy.
I am Captain Ozone.

I am the one man vigilant force roaming in the dark at Kent and London,
destroying the wheel clamp from cars of unhappy drivers with angles grinder and no gun.
They called me crazy.
I am Angle-Grinder Man.

I wear red tights and a red and yellow wrestler’s mask,
Fighting crime and corruption is my task.
I use my image to organize labor rallies and protests, and file petitions
They called me crazy.
I am Superbarrio, and Mexico is my station.

I shovel snow from the steps and walkways of the elderly in the winter,
Straighten out swings and keeps playgrounds tidy in the summer.
I prowl the streets at night when there are none,Keeping an eye out for vandals and hooligans.
They called me crazy.
I am the hero of Iqaluit, I am Polar Man

We give Christmas gift to the homeless.
They called us crazy
We are Team Justice.

I aid the homeless and others in need
They called me crazy.
I am Geist of Minnesota

My mission is to save motorists from receiving
Irritating and expensive parking tickets
They called me crazy
I am the Parking Angel

I lost my big multinational company job in this economic downturn
I now raise fund for children and the homeless who have none.
They call me crazy
I am Mr. Ravenblade

Yes they are crazy, because a crazy can change the world and the rest only talk.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Mahatma Gandhi
This world needs more and more crazy people.GO CRAZY >>>

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Birthday SRK !!

“If I can, You too can “

“There’s always been a patriarch for every field. He leads, people follow. He takes new paths — praised if he’s successful, derided if he fails. But then somebody has to do the job. Somebody has to invent for the others to reinvent. Somebody has to stand up for our fifty six year old philosophy — for the people, by the people, to the people. Shah Rukh Khan did just that. He invades areas where no actor has ever been.

A clear brand philosophy and a brilliant understanding of mass psyche has been the strength of the SRK product. He is probably the best brand ever churned out by Indian industry. Outrageous and outspoken in his interviews, he played to the masses and boy did he play it right. Then there is the proverbial pinch of salt. With which SRK takes himself. While his work reflects his passion, there has always been that wry black humour that grounds his reality. He has consistently stripped the idealistic glamour from his profession by branding himself a performer.

Shahrukh Khan had stepped into the film world as an outsider, a young man bereaved from the loss of his parents, seeking solace, work and passion in an alien world. Today, this outsider is the most familiar member in every fan’s household. A journey that led from a suburban housing colony in New Delhi into the homes, hearts and minds of innumerable fans all over the world, a journey that transcended boundaries of nations, and the artificial barriers of culture.” — Mushtaq Shiekh, Author (Shahrukh Khan : Still reading khan)

Thank you SRK for giving millions hearts the hope and inspiration to succeed against all odds.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

“One Night” short story contest - English - ‘8:00pm-Nothing2Everything@8:00am’

I did pocket the black ball and it’s the fourth game I won. I looked at my watch. It showed 8:00 pm. I wondered when I had changed the 24hr mode to 12hr mode. The date displayed was 25-10-2020. Somebody has messed up with my watch, I thought. I decided to probe into this matter once I reached my room. It must be my roommates. It’s been 4 hours since me and my friend Ravi got into the Pool Shack. No matter how much Ravi tried, he never won a game of 9 ball pool. Few mugs of beer had reduced my response time by few minutes. I looked at Ravi and waved him good bye.

I made it to the ground floor of Pool Shack. Missed few step in between; hit a guy coming up, carrying a red heavy bag, who looked more sloshed than me. I wondered why they didn’t have an elevator. I felt an elevator is a must when they serve alcohol at anywhere above and below the ground floor. It is generally cold in Bangalore in mid October, but strangely I was sweating already. I thought, may be the beer was messing up my body temperature control mechanism as well.

I crossed the busy airport road and reached the hospital end of the road. It was pretty unusual, because I have been here so many times but never really observed the other half of the road and the hospital. Perhaps I would be too eager to go to Pool Shack and get sloshed. Therefore, never really paid attention to anything else.

I think I heard a siren crying its heart out from few kilometers away. At least I thought it was few kilometers away or perhaps its somewhere in the vicinity and the beer in me is messing up my natural Doppler theory. I looked right and then turned back to check if it was an ambulance coming towards the hospital. The crying became more and more irritating and loud. Now I could hear the sound of chopper as well. I wondered if this was a hi-tech hospital and it has got choppers to get the patients. But the siren sound nullified that theory. I looked in all directions. People on street stood still and they were as amused and confused as my 1 year old nephew in wet nappy.

The sound grew louder and louder. Few kids on the other side of streets were pointing at the sky behind me. I turned around and I couldn’t believe my eyes. 5 choppers flying in a perfect circle formation. In the center of this formation, I could see a white chopper. No, it couldn’t have been chopper. It was triangular in shape. Like those stealth planes we see in television. Now I knew what was crying so loud. It was almost deafening now. People rushed to the roads. Traffic came to stand still. No one moved an inch. Even the street dogs hogging on the free food inside the corporation dust bin, stood still in amusement with straight ears.

The triangular thing hovered over the shack point. The choppers which looked like they are guarding this thing matched its movement. The triangular thing, threw a wide ray of red light. It looked like it was scanning the entire area. It aligned itself to the Pool Shack. The beer effect in me had vanished looking at this spectacle. It seemed to be more evident now that the Pool Shack is going to be attacked. Everyone ran for cover. I tried calling my friend, but the network is jammed. I couldn’t just believe what was happening. I crossed the road and searched for my friend. I couldn’t see him. People were running all around. The triangular thing sent out 3 straight blue lights down towards the Pool Shack, forming a cylindrical shape of probably 2 feet diameter. The light pierced through everything. I put my food forward towards the Pool Shack and suddenly, there was a deafening screeching sound. There was some kind of activity within this invisible cylinder. The entire space within the cylinder exploded into flames, but neither the flames and nor the particles came out of the cylinder.

The entire formation of flying choppers vanished out of sky in no time. Before people could rush to the spot, there were NSG commandos who had cordoned the area. I never realized this.

I ran to my room and switched on the TV. My mobile was now working. I called Ravi. He had followed me outside the Pool Shack to get a cigarette. He shared the same story. I flipped the channels and stood still when the reporter in a news channel announced, “Defense minister of India, will address the media in a short while.” The defense minister looked jubilant, contrary to the recent occurring.

He announced, “Today, at 20:08, India successfully tested its, Unmanned Arial bomb scanner and laser guided diffuser called Garuda. Garuda is placed at strategic locations. It takes less than minute for Garuda to detect, track and destroy the bomb. It also leads the choppers carrying the commandos who then cordon the site and aid the investigation. Garuda detected the bomb at the Pool Shack, Airport Road Bangalore at 20:02. It not only guided the 5 NSG choppers to the blast site, but also cordoned the bomb with its bomb isolation technique. The bomb which was attached with a timer device went off before it could be defused by Garuda, but the high tech laser bomb isolator was used by Garuda to form a controlled explosion. Many defense scientists have been working day and night on Garuda project which was started on 2009, took 11 years and it has been completed at the cost of 200 billion rupees. This is a great success for this developed country which is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Further details on this live test will be provided in few hours. Thank you.”

I somehow knew that bomber was the guy I saw carrying red bag while coming down the Pool Shack. I was too tired to be sure. I was too tired to think anymore.

I was shocked, amused and tired of all the incidents. It was too much for this tired sloshed mind. I went to bed. I couldn’t sleep peacefully. All the events replayed in my mind. I could hear the sound of choppers. It was faint and then loud. It couldn’t be a dream. I woke up. I looked at my watch. It was 6:30. I couldn’t take another similar incident anymore. My heart was pounding faster than my head because of hang over. I ran to the balcony. 4 choppers so close to my third floor apartment flew across the blue sky. I looked at the beach and the blue sea and then at the horizon. I just couldn’t believe this. I ran to the door, grabbed the news paper. On the front page, I read, “39 killed in Baghdad blast”. I glanced at the date on the top. 26 October 2009, Chennai.

It took me time to recap the entire previous night episode. I had been to Pool Shack to play pool. It was on the OMR road opposite to the Life Line hospital. Just when I was crossing the road an ambulance with loud siren had just turned into the hospital gate. Someone burst the rocket which was left over during diwali. The rocket sparked brilliant colors in the sky. Few kids jumped in joy. I took my mobile out to call Ravi, so that I could make out the address. There was no network. That was followed with a big blast of crackers which made a deafening noise and smoke. I wondered why on earth where they doing this in the vicinity of hospital. I was sweating profusely though it was October end and I thought that if was in Bangalore at this time, it would have been cold.

I was tired, sloshed when I reached home. I changed my watch to 24hr mode. I flipped the tv channels and halted at a news channel which showed the breaking news, “Blast in Baghdad”. I switched off the tv and went to sleep.

As I sat their realizing and re tracing everything, I wondered how amazing is human mind. It had weaved a dream for me with all the things which were totally unrelated. I could only admire this marvelous mind which had created EVERYTHING from really NOTHING that happened at 8:00pm. I looked at my watch. It was 8:00 am. I told myself, “huh,8:00pm-NOthing2Everything@8:00am”

Time to stop dreaming and work!!

Yeah you heard me. Stop dreaming, go back to work!!

“Why Drink and Drive, when you can, Drink and Dream”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

PUNCH DIAL ogues !! Copy righted: Raj dialogue vendors.

Disclaimers: I dont like this. Escpecially when it is mentioned at the end of all blabberings.

Anyway, for the sake of formality, let me warn you that these might sound like extreme case of PJ attack or you may look like one idiot doing ROFL on the carpet below your seat.

‘If the World is not in my hands, look under my feet”

“If she goes to shopping, beware you may become the shopping cart”

“Entire outer space is my playground, planets are marbles and stars are flood lights”

“Priest said God is everywhere son. My nephew asked, even in bathroom?

“Moral science teacher said, you should learn to forgive. I said, ma’am can I stand down from the bench now?”

“She said I am the master of universe. Btw, Universe, is my dog’s name”

“I said, if you are the paper then I am the pen. She said, oops idiot you just spilled the ink”

“Wife told a tired husband, I want a son. Husband told; keep your eyes to the east. You will see it first thing in the morning.”

“My mom says, I m handsome. My wife says, there is only hands, rest is troublesome”

“Chennai chicks are too hot to handle, they are in tune with climate”

“No wonder Kerala is God’s own country, he has kept all the good ladies for himself”

“Roads to heaven starts at my house, roads to hell begins at OMR”

“When a girl tells you, I love you, please check your wallet”

“If you hear bells ringing when you see a girl, it’s time to visit a good ENT specialist”

“Falling IN and Falling OFF love are not the same, just like Constipation and Diarrhea.”

“If you are pencil, then challenges are sharpeners. You always come out bold and sharp”

“Men like hot women. Not in Chennai, man, it’s too hot here”

All girls are masala queens cos guys need taste in life

All roads dont lead to success, but not everyone has good GPS

If one day I look sad and I am standing alone, don’t come near me. I am busy ….(let your imagination flow)

“Before marraige we used to love roller coaster rides. Now, she is the roller and i am her coaster.”

A jakas movie:

This is playing at PKN5A180. With the only audience who is the writter, director, producer of this movie.

“CAD is the super hero of the city of keys. He falls in love with CL. But before he could propose, WL the villain activates himself. The entire BS, Home, Shift and all the friends are helpless. They all are inactive because of WL. CAD and CL have to Escape and save the city. CAD activates himself and before WL’s friend ENTER, activates himself, CAD’s friend ESCAPE sacrifices his life. Thereby CAD and CL get freed. A statue is made to honor sacrifice of the CAD’s good friend. It is at the top right corner of the city. On it is written, Esc (Extraordinary and Special Character).

A new villain has entered the city. It’s the exact copy of WL. It’s called CCP. i.e in Part 2.


CAD: Ctrl Alt Del

CL: Caps Lock

WL: Windows+L

BS: Backspace (guest appearance)

CCP: Cut Copy Paste

Well, now that I have finished and if you feel like relieving your stress then, you may follow the following instruction.

Take the printout of the below picture

Paste it on your manager’s cabin door

Follow the instruction written on the page in the picture.

No No. That’s ok. You don’t have to thank me for this. You are always welcome. Pleasure is all mine, you see.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Did Edison’s AC KILL TOPSY?

Do you see corruption, inhuman activities and close your eyes? Do you feel like you are one of them, so you don’t have the right to talk about these things or oppose these things? Well, I thought so. But there is something that my friend pointed out. This is something that changed the way I looked at things. This is something that I want you to know.

This is the conversation I had with my friend posted as it is without editing.

My friend :

Since you are writing Blogs you should probably think about writing about how humans have misused animals in experimentations.
I was watching a video on youtube - Edison’s efforts to show the world how dangerous electricity is - basically tied up an elephant (called Topsy) and electrocutes it.

As the elephant was brought in (considering elephant to be one of the most intelligent creatures after us), would have been going through his mind? He was following his master like how a kid followed his parents only to be killed. It reminded me of an incident a friend narrated where a couple had to throw away their kid to the crocs to save the rest of the people in the boat. That’s one side of the story.

The other side was about the experiment in itself. It extends not just to that experiment but also the various other experiments that even till date man continues doing knowing very well that effects on animals not necessarily needs to be the same on humans,

This is just a suggestion



Well Pabs, I can write on this, but I will only sound like a hypocrite.

I mean, first of all we humans shouldn’t domesticate, elephants or any other animal for that matter. Don’t they hurt them while training? And yet we sit on it and go for ride in safaris. Now you might say that, domesticating is one thing and killing for experiment is another. Well, how do we decide which one is the most sinner thing to do? You may argue that it’s written in bible or any other religious books that taking life of another is the biggest sin. Well, then what do we do in wars? You kill or get killed. Anyway, let’s keep that aside. You may argue that it’s unrelated. Killing for experiments is unethical. But is the life of lab rats less important to that of elephant? Do we test the medicines on humans? Would that be intelligent? I am not arguing that Edison was right (if he had done it).

I have been writing and will continue to write on issues that haunts mankind or animals. The question is where do I begin and where do I end? Man including me has got accustomed to the luxuries of life and has gone blind in all ways. The leather shoes I wear and belt I wear is some animal’s skin. The car seat of the costliest car that you may be dreaming to own is made of croc skin. I can write bro. I just don’t want to sound hypocrite. I am just finding a way explain all this and inspire, in a way which will not sound hypocritical. Because if people feel that what we write is just for reading and nothing, then there is no point in writing. It’s a catch 22 situation. All that I tell others is that. I am doing my bit, are you? If not, please do!!


My Friend:


Domesticating elephants is the worst crime one can do, because the process of domestication is far worse than having an elephant in prison (zoos).

I never take elephants rides for this very reason even during my research expeditions be it Burma or Vietnam. I prefer risking my life than bearing the guilt that I am sitting on an elephant who has been completed “broken down” cos i want to feel more secure.

Regarding rats in labs or monkeys with cosmetics stitched inside its eyes, animal experiments are all terrible. But one would focus on an animal that generates more empathy among humans…..and elephants being a classic case was a great point to start….start because there is a long way to go.

Regarding shoes, I always try to buy fake leather which is pretty much similar in looks and texture. Try it out…. So there is always an option.

Well but end of the day, in more than one ways I am also responsible for causing harm to some animal in some way or the other. But if I told myself that this morning, I had to kill a roach or a mosquito and therefore it would be hypocritical to save an elephant or an almost extinct tiger, I think I would be comparing apples to large melons although both are fruits.

The gravity of saving the elephants and tigers in our jungles and the jungles itself is profound.

Nevertheless, this reply is only to try and help you understand that every one of his in some way is hypocritical if we had to extrapolate the primary issues. But that shouldn’t stop one from doing some good somewhere correct?

It aint gonna be hard to quit taking an elephant ride or refrain from going to a circus or buying ivory in any form correct???? As long as that is done, you are also in this war to save the wildlife dude.

Mind you I am not trying to change your mind about writing a blog; I just wanted to give you a different perception of the hypo u spoke about.


Me :

Bro !!
What you explained is true!! In fact this conversation is so intense that, I will blog this as it is. The reason being, that, it has got the issue which you wanted me to discuss. Secondly, it has got the general apprehension that people have in their mind (i.e. the question I asked, will be the question in many more minds). Thirdly, you have explained it very well. I am impressed!!

The idea is to tell things in a way which doesn’t sound like ordering people to follow. For example, last year, we had a campaign going on to make cognizant a smoke free zone. Someone blogged stating that, the decision to smoke or not should be left to individual and no one should be forced. Also, it stated that one should only make people aware of the health hazards but should not force the decision to smoke or not to smoke on them. However, this post was widely debated, with lots of anti comments, because this post was indeed threatening our campaign. However, the government then decided that smoking in public places as well as in and around office premises in not allowed. Also Cognizant was gracious enough to accept it and now it is a smoke free zone!!

So, I think sometimes, things have to be stopped by stringent laws and a system to protect that law. We can ask people to stop wearing leather shoes and similar things, but it will take very long time to change people’s habit. Remember, habits die hard. But hey, what you told is absolutely right as well. One step at a time and some day we might even find some law being made. How knows? Moreover, like Gandhi. “Be the Change you want to see in the world”

Thanks Bro,


Though I did research and it is known that electrocution using AC (alternating current) was the method only suggested by Edison and the authorities had already decided to kill it by hanging. So, I really can’t blame Edison because he just gave an idea to kill the animal with the least possible pain.

Whatever happened to Topsy, we still live in a world which is inhumanly cruel towards animals. Really, luxury, greed and selfishness have left no good in us towards animal or towards fellow humans for that matter.

Topsy story:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

If You Have a _ _ _ _, Share it with me…….

If you have a dream
Share it with me
I will be the wings
See your dreams fly above all things.

If you have pain
Share it with me
I will be the soothing balm
i promise it will make you calm

If you have sorrow
share it with me
I will be the clown
will make you smile and never frown

If you have fear
share it with me
I will be the knight in glowing armor
the ‘fear’ will never ever bother.

If you have anger
share it with me
I will be the cold water
Drink it, you will forget all the matter.

But,If you have love
Share it with me
I will give you the most beautiful present
My life, is yours, from this instant.

---------- RAJ

Friday, September 18, 2009

M.I.N.D : Most Innovative and Natural Device !!

It is researched and believed that an average person thinks approximately 65,000 thoughts per day. In these 65,000, about 95% are exactly the same thoughts that [passed] through the minds of people the day before.

The idea is to, reduce the number of repetitive thoughts. This can be done by,

1. Reducing the number of negative thoughts and replacing them with the positive ones.

2. Increasing the number of unique thoughts.

A bats man out of form will have more negative thoughts. When Bret Lee balls at 99.9 mph, the batsman’s mind floods with thoughts and when the negative thoughts is more than the positive one’s he becomes out in the easiest way possible. It happens to the best of batsmen. The coach cannot find any fault in the technique of the batsman, so they go for thought conditioning. Day in and day out they flood the mind of the batsmen with positive thoughts. They create an environment where negative thoughts don’t even enter the mind. That’s called conditioning camp. You might have noticed that a team rules the world sports for a long time until they lose the form. But when they are winning their mind is flooded with thoughts of victory. Suddenly, it looks like they are unbeatable. However, with few defeats, the negative thoughts start coming in and the positive thoughts gets into the mind of the other team because they start realizing that they can defeat this undefeatable team.

The same is with baseball players where in they have to strike the ball with the right measure in split seconds and so is it with boxing where in the boxer has to take the shot for the split second that he sees an opening. He doesn’t have time to think at that moment. It looks like seeing and acting happened so fast that there was no processing done in mind. That’s why they are feed with positive thoughts. When mind with nothing but positive’s , it will have no doubts when the opportunity arises. It will direct the body to act so fast that the reaction time looks like nil.

That’s the reason why people with positive attitude are able to sense the opportunity and they spend no time in pouncing on it. Hence, the world terms them as lucky. Everyone can be lucky. All that they have to do is tame the ‘Chattering monkey”.

Have a rubber band around your wrist. Every time the negative thought comes in. Just snap the rubber band so that it hurts a little. That will signal the mind to recognize that it is a negative thoughts and should be replaced. After a while, your mind automatically, will start recognizing the negative and filling it up with positives.

Someone once told me, “ If you don’t use something, you will lose it. It’s the natures law”. You don’t use your muscles, you will lose it. Yeah, just like our tail. You don’t take care of your health, you will lose it. You don’t take care of your family, you will lose it. You don’t take care of your finances, you will lose it. The same is with your mind.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

GREEN, Everything but not GREEN and COLORLESS; MIND’s !!

It is believed that the world is mostly sleeping and once in a while it wakes up and makes empty noises and then goes to sleep again.

It was Y2K some years ago, and then it was financial crisis. This time it is, “SAVE OUR PLANET”, “GO GREEN” and the sudden panic.

Everyone is speaking, writing, reading about it and suddenly it seems like the world has just woken up from a nightmare and they are in a hurry to do something that could stop the nightmare from becoming a reality.

But, stop. Did everyone have the same nightmare? How do you prove the nightmares are going to be real? Some showed the melting ice in their refrigerator, some showed the bathroom shower from which the water doesn’t come out even though it’s on.

Some are busy painting the world green, and others are counting their foot prints. Suddenly, the world seems to have been infected by a crazy virus and that’s green as well.

But hey, what’s that? A group of elite rich are partying over there. The Mercedes, BMW and the private jets are parked next to them. I can hear the AC growling at its full speed. Why are they not counting foot prints like others? They are all in white, red and blue. I don’t see any green in them. Didn’t they have any nightmares like others?

The other green bunch of people is suggesting things. Things like sharing and reducing. Sharing bikes, cars, buses and cycles (not money). Cutting down the consumption of power, switching to renewable source of energy and so on. They are going crazy over the idea. It feels like third world war and the world is united in fighting. Fighting against their own ill doings. Fighting for the survival of their race.

Is it really united? How about the other bunch which is not in green?

One of the green guy calculates it to the last decimal point of currency and sacrifices his bike ride and takes the bus. I like the green guy’s idea. However, I can’t agree without a debate. Do I sound like an anti-slogan guy? Oh, I just want to know both the green and not so green bunch of people.

Is it feasible? What do I lose? The reality check. The colorless guys mind.

The time is 1pm. The sun is at its best. Sweating is second to breathing in the city. the colorless guy needs to go to office because he works in odd shift. He walks 1.5 km to reach the so called shared auto (yes he shares as well). Energy meter displays 75%. amber. Gets down and waits for the public bus. (Oh yes he shares as well). The public bus never comes. Sometimes he feels that the bus simply makes a vanishing act between his stop and appears at the next stop. After 2 hours of sweating and cursing, the ultra modern 1940 bus arrives with all its glory. After 30 minutes of awesome travel, he lands at a bus stop which is again 1km from office. All buses don’t stop near his office. Again marathons walk and by the time he is on his seat on 5th floor, then energy meter which is now flooded with sweat displays, 10 %., ready to sleep. Of course he is no more colorless. Thanks to Sun God, he is kind of red. Loads of emails to respond to and meetings and work. He is as fresh as a daisy now, you see.

The colorless guy had a nightmare. He has to follow the same routine while leaving to home.

The carbon rating and footings sounds so good, sophisticated and awesome.

The reality checks again. Is it feasible?

The developed nations have good infrastructure, we are still behind in terms of public transport. We need to fix that first. The G8 nations speak about stopping the funding to the developing nations which don’t meet the proposed standards to curb the environmental change. However, i believe that this kind of black mailing won’t help anyone. In fact they should set aside a part of the aid to the developing nations to assist them in cutting down carbon footprints or whatever it is.

I strongly support our Prime minister who said, “They (the developed world) bear the biggest responsibility for what has happened and must bear the greatest responsibility for correcting the damage. But we too have to take action. I believe our response must be proactive and based on our finding feasible and practical solutions to the real and potential threats we face”

It’s the time and effort involved in taking public transports that hurts me the colorless guy. The actions should be proactive and based on the feasibility. For example, the tissue papers are back in the rest rooms because the hygiene seems to be the top priority (read H1N1). We need to differentiate the threats as ‘real’ and ‘potential’. The solutions to real threat should be immediate. How do you confirm that the threat is real? Just because the glacier is melting or the drastic change of climate or some experiment conducted by the super brainy scientist or some powerful guy has said so?

Are we aware of the fact that earth too has a cycle of change? There are theories which explain ice age and so on. What do you believe in?

Ok, let’s assume that it’s a potential threat. So, do we sacrifice our basic needs to happiness to save earth? How do you know for sure that it will save earth?

Certainly the colorless guy believes in hope. But the solution should be feasible. You can’t simply take a boat to another country instead of aero plane because it will cut down carbon foot prints.

The colorless guy’s theory is simple. Don’t preach the world about carbon footprints and glaciers melting. The guy on the street doesnt care about it. It is similar to the media scaring people with H1N1 and the mask makers striking gold( as well as the doctors and pharmaceuticals). We need green, because it produces oxygen and it’s necessary for clean air. We need to use renewable source of energy because the other sources may not remain for long ( i.e. until we find another planet). We go green because it cuts a lot of waste and cost, thereby helping the system to perform at its peak efficiency. So make the best use of resources available. But before you see the ice melting check if the refrigerator is switched on and before you switch on the shower, check if the tank has got any water.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Greedy is Fine, Selfish is STUPID !!

I believe human’s are as greedy as any other species on this earth. Greed is a necessary for survival. Therefore its natural and quite essential. However, the reason why we carry the greatest responsibility for what is happening to earth is because we got something more than greed. We are selfish. Selfish because, we have been knowingly continuing with unwise practices because of a belief that we will never personally have to pay the consequences for the results, but that eventually our children will. Secondly, though we have realized our mistakes, there is a remarkable imbalance because the speed at which the potential future problems are accumulating is far more greater than the speed at which the previous mistakes are currently, arguably addressed.

The reason why we are making very slow progress in this regard is because, in order to correct our mistakes we need to change our life style which we have been practicing since few hundred years now, and we all know habits die hard. It’s like sitting in the office powered with centralized AC and talking about the depletion of ozone or riding a badly maintained bike and giving the lecture to your friend, on global warming and pollution. Are we being plane hypocrites ? Well, that we are by nature as well. One might argue, that we are at least spreading the message and making people aware. Awareness is a strange word. It’s like reading the headlines of news paper. End of the day, almost everyone is AWARE but nothing changes. We sleep till we read a new headlines next morning.

What we really need is action. Environmental protection laws and a system which protects these laws against corruption. Each person\factory\new technology should be held responsible for harm they cause to the environment. Every smallest thing to the biggest technological thing we invent should pass through the series of tests which confirms that they don’t posses any direct or indirect harm to the nature while in use, as well as while in production. Every waste produced should be recycled to be bio degradable and non hazardous.

We need to revolutionize the way we think and pursue technology. We have to go close to the nature as much as possible, for answers. For example, one of the hardest material steel is manufactured by superheating the iron ore at 800 – 1050 Celsius. This uses a lot of resource, energy and produces a lot of waste. Compare this to spider web. Spider silk is one of the 7 great wonders of the animal kingdom. That a small animal, often less than a millimeter across can make a substance that we humans with all our technology are unable to reproduce, a substance that is tough, stronger and more flexible than anything else we can make is surely a humble reminder of the fact that Nature created us and not the other way around. Obviously, spider doesn’t have the luxury of superheating the material to 1050 Celsius !! Now, consider concentrating our energy is conducting research to find and mimic this mechanism. Astonishing, isn’t it?

Well, the answer is simple. Concentrate on areas that is causing the maximum damage to the environment due to industrialization and make laws to either curb it or stop it completely. Increase the spend on research programs and encourage the scientists to come up with new renewal source of energy or increase the efficiency of the existing technology like solar cells. Spend more time on children, the future, by not only making them aware of the importance of safe guarding the eco system, but also practicing the same by asking them to plant saplings and then guiding them to take care of it by themselves. The idea is to bring in the sense of responsibility. Perhaps, it’s time we spend very less time on dreaming of landing on moon and more time on safeguarding the beauty within our planet, our home !!

We know that we have done the mistake. It’s totally fine. Human’s do make mistakes and that’s how we learn. The first step towards improvement is excepting the mistake. It’s time to move on. As much as possible, try not to make new mistakes. Plants eat up waste and produce oxygen. Either decrease the waste or increase the plants. Suit your style !! Let’s not allow this to be the most costliest mistake of mankind that would wipe us out from the face of the earth. Already, things are improving. Although not fast enough. Hopefully, we will pick up the pace. Because like Obama say’s, “WE CAN !!”

“We all know that nature protects itself and us. All we need to do is give a helping hand. Learn from it and live with it”
Note : “Neither do I believe in numerology nor do I adore mathematics. But I am honored and pleasantly surprised, that I could share 100 thoughts with you all and thereby gain 1000 more myself !! Hence, I would like to thank all those kinds of commenter’s that Sree invented and also all those who have imagined my thoughts and silently connected with their own. Sometimes thoughts don’t match, other times they seem to be too hard to imagine. Feel free to share your thoughts, for I am neither scared of thoughts, nor intimidated. Oh, thoughts. I just love them. God bless.”